EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Prayer, Prayers   [2560]
    Paul’s, for the Colossians, complete HP 158.3
    people of, needed who quietly overcome self RC 218.3
    perplexities brought to God in, not to another 1MCP 262.2
    perseverance/persistence/importunity in, HP 71.4;LHU 368.6;OHC 134.3;
       bring souls to the cross TDG 227.4
       for problems 3SM 301.1
       God’s soothing words of acceptance of HP 74.4
       (prevailing) Daniel’s prayer showed TMK 271.4
       to receive work of the Holy Spirit TMK 276.3
    place of,
       Christ to be taken with you when you leave HP 223.4
       may be anywhere 3SM 266
       may be closet, streets, etc. TDG 27.2
       retired FLB 224.6
    posture in OHC 148.3;3SM 266;
    power in answer to, brings wisdom, unity and peace RC 159.6
    power of, HP 82.5
       for one convinced of own weakness LHU 368.5
       from heart longing for strength FLB 224.6
       of John 17:21, 22 HP 76.4