EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Prayer, Prayers   [2560]
    responsibility for, when clouds hide the light OHC 318.4
    rest for the soul secured by TDG 104.2
    results of HP 213.3
    reward received in obeying God’s requirement for HP 90.5
    right to take hold of God through OHC 101.6
    sacrifice, spiritual HP 78.6
    safeguard against error UL 326.7
    salvation and comfort through HP 75.5
    Samuel was subject of his mother’s RC 195.3
    saving of souls, burden of earnest TDG 171.5
    secret, HP 86.4;TMK 272.4;
       enables us to pray more intelligently in public OHC 130.4
       influence from God to one who engages in TMK 272.4
       needed more frequently OHC 362.4
       strength of the Christian HP 218.3
       sustains inner life of love OHC 130.5
    self-sufficient overcome by Satan through lack of OHC 129.3
    sense of our need of divine help precedes earnest TMK 240.3
    settling differences followed by UL 106.3
    short and to the point OHC 130.4