EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Prayer, Prayers   [2560]
    signs are not to be expected to indicate answers to LHU 129.2
       ascends to God through Jesus TMK 78.3
       heard HP 69.5
       mother calmed through RC 171.5
       of faith, Jesus answers FLB 122.3
    sincere, See Prayer, earnest
    singing made more of than, in this age VSS 426.1
    sinner placed on vantage ground by UL 322.4
    sins confessed in, by Daniel 3SM 354.1
    sleepy repetitious, does not reach the ear of the Lord HP 87.3
    small group, needed HP 91.2
    solicited by the Whites for their soul-winning work TDG 174.3
    soul of Ellen White drawn out in UL 127.2
    souls brought to the cross by persevering HP 68.6
    spirit of, and more faith needed TDG 347.3
    spiritless, divine attributes not taken hold of by HP 75.5
    spiritual health not improved by, if associations are bad OHC 255.4
    standing during 3SM 268
    steady watchfulness in, not sometimes careless TDG 277.4