EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Prayer, Prayers   [2560]
    God will grant, if you find voice and time to pray ML 16
    God will remove infirmities in MM 242
    God’s delay in granting, is for petitioner’s special benefit CH 380-1
    God’s plan to grant in, what He would not otherwise bestow GC 525
    God’s willingness to grant CT 242
    granted by mystery of God’s providence 7T 245
    how God grants, for deliverance from sin DA 266
    how God in providence works to bring 3T 415-6
    how to be sure that you will receive DA 200
    immediate: faith should not let go if you do not receive 1T 120-1
       what to do if you do not see SC 96
       when God does not seem to give 2SM 240
    immediately given sometimes CH 380
    men obtain, when they humble their souls before God CD 188
    may be delayed DA 266
    may come at very time when most needed LS 207;1T 121;3T 209;
    may not be just what was requested SD 92
    may not come as quickly as desired SD 92
    may not come just as desired or expected GW 258;LS 207;3T 209;
    may not come when you look for it GW 258