EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Prayer meeting, Prayer meetings amusement disqualifying you for, is dangerous CT 337    [89]
    Millerite Adventists established LS 21;1T 14;
    Millerite Adventists held, in orchards and groves LS 60-1
    ministers who pray same lifeless prayers at GW 437
    neglected by many people who attend preaching 4T 70
    not place to: censure and condemn one another 5T 607-8
       open privacies of heart 2T 578
    object of 2T 578
    people who are seen and heard at ChS 244;4T 461;
    persons forward and ever ready to talk in 4T 70-1
    persons who are not needed at 4T 565
    persons who prefer to attend concert instead of MYP 140-1
    persons whose influence is felt at ChS 244
    personal troubles should not be taken to God in 2T 578
    plans for, call for thought 4T 70
    pray in, for openings for truth to enter Satan’s strongholds 6T 80
       for present blessing 1T 146
    prayers in 2T 577-8
       should be adapted to occasion and company present 4T 565
       should be brief and right to point 4T 71;5T 201;
    prayers long and mechanical in, weary angels and men 4T 70-1