EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Pride   [325]
1. Ill effects of
2. Kinds of
3. Miscellaneous
1. Ill effects of
    angels turned into demons CG 178;SD 115;
    boasting of one’s excellent qualities 4T 223
    Christ grieved DA 649
    delight in vanity of one’s own works 4T 223
    destroys love for God and corrodes soul 2SM 185
    disappointment and discontent PP 612
    door closed against light DA 62
    envy PP 403;5T 242;
    for Israel PP 746-7
    God’s presence shut out 4T 610
    heart closed against: Christ MB 7;SC 30;
       God’s blessings PK 60
       Spirit’s influence 4T 220
    Israel unprepared to enter Canaan PP 464
    life marred PK 60
    love of supremacy CS 147