EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Pride   [325]
    man’s usefulness greatly limited 4T 259
    many people deprived of God’s blessings 9T 155
    mind beclouded 1SM 125
    minds of Israel blinded GC 24
    outpouring of Spirit hindered 1SM 140-1
    people held in slavery to customs fatal to health 4T 552
    perceptive powers beclouded by LS 199;2T 605;
    Pharisees’ hearts closed against Christ 1SM 70
    rebellious angels kept from returning to God PP 41
    SS work should not feel CSW 152
    Satan kept from returning to God GC 496;PP 39;
    service to God marred COL 402
    simplicity shut out of church 1T 114
    soul corroded 2SM 185
    soul kept in narrow sphere 4T 259
    soul separated from God 1SM 350;3T 51;
    Spirit grieved 4T 491;9T 125;
    spiritual advancement hindered 2T 493
    spirituality and growth in grace hindered 2T 187
    strife 5T 242