EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Pride   [325]
       warning against 2T 397
    of life, Christ warns against 3T 375
       subtle temptation to 7BC 966
    of opinion: hard to yield 4T 239
       leads men to reject light 1SM 72
       leads to independence of judgment 7BC 906
       must be put away 1SM 414;5T 128;
       warning against 5T 728
    of position, deep-seated evil ruining thousands 2SM 184-5
    of priests and rabbis, grew into settled hatred for Christ DA 63
    of prosperity, in Solomon’s reign PK 51-60
    selfish: God may remove His blessings from men of 1SM 87
       let not, be lifted up and served as god 4BC 1145;SD 56;
       let not your soul be separated from God by MYP 73
    sensitive, why professed Christians possess COL 99
    sinners’, God puts to shame PK 435
    spiritual: abundant in church today 5T 534
       danger of cherishing DA 360
       deception of EW 98
       gospel workers endangered by EW 98