EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Promise, Promises   [469]
    in Bible, human mind cannot exhaust one ML 26
    intemperate person whose, are like ropes of sand MH 174-5
    made contrary to Scriptures should be retracted without delay 5T 365
    many people make, only to break them 7BC 942-3
    of wonderful exaltation are used by Satan to deceive 1SM 194
    rash, of Jehoshaphat to Ahab PK 195
    solemn: made to God by verbal or written pledge must be kept 4T 470-6
       prompted by Spirit 5T 153
       sacredness of 5T 149
       to help God’s institutions and enterprises should not be disregarded 5T 153
       tried in court of conscience are no less binding than written agreements 5T 149
    to marry unbeliever should be retracted without delay 5T 364-5
    your: are like ropes of sand SC 47;5T 513;
       are of no account until you put your will on right side ML 318;Te 113;
       are of no value until you put your will on side of faith and action 5T 513
    See also Agreement; Contract; Oath; Pledge; Vow
    Adam and Eve heard, before hearing the curse TMK 16.2
    applicable, God calls attention to, in Bible study TMK 213.3
    appreciation to be shown for, of Col. 3:1-4 TDG 15.5