EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Providence of God, Providences of God acknowledge, in all things 5T 427    [297]
    needless repining over, sin of 5T 309
    opening: be ever ready to follow Ev 323;5T 567;
       church should follow on in GC 316
       clear spiritual discernment is needed to follow 9T 173
       danger of failing to discern Ev 298;9T 173;
       discern and take advantage of LS 406
       failure of SDA leaders to follow 3T 504
       failure to discern, in building of second temple PK 564-5
       follow LS 212-3;3T 399;
       God’s people are behind times and not following 4T 388
       how gospel workers may keep pace with 5T 722
       in securing property for med. work at Loma Linda, Calif. 9T 173-4
       Jews who failed to recognize PK 564
       move forward by following 1T 420
       older gospel workers may not be inclined to keep pace with 5T 723
       prepare way for SDA to enlighten world 9T 173
    openings of: be ready to follow Ev 80
       energies of His people should be equal to 3T 23
       God’s people do not keep pace with LS 212
       quickly discern and eagerly enter MYP 148;5T 321;