EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Redeemed soul, Redeemed souls   [269]
    things now hard to be understood by, will find explanation hereafter 9T 286
    things now mysteries will be unfolded before 6BC 1091
    tree of life will yield its fruit every month for GC 675;SR 431;
    trials and sufferings of present life will seem as nothingness to PK 732
    vacancies made in heaven by fall of Satan and his angels will be filled by 7BC 949;5T 473;
    vast field of study that will be opened to Ed 303
    who among, will stand nearest to Christ’s throne GC 665
    wide and unbounded future of glory awaits PK 732;9T 288;
    will be: formed in perfect square before entering city of God EW 16, 288;GC 645-6;LS 66;2SG 34;1T 61;
       free from sin and all marks of curse PK 729
       happy and united family 7BC 988;MH 506;PK 732;
       healed by leaves of tree of life ML 355
       inside New Jerusalem when the wicked are destroyed EW 53-4;GC 673;3SG 86;SR 429;
       learners throughout eternity CT 413
       like Christ 5T 467
       partakers with Christ in joy of seeing souls saved 9T 285
       with Christ within New Jerusalem during executive judgment at close of millennium EW 53-4, 293-4;GC 663-73;3SG 83-7;SR 421-9;
       witnesses that Christ’s mission of suffering and sacrifice was not in vain 9T 285-6
    will be as: angels MM 100;1SM 173;
       members of royal family MM 100;1SM 173;