EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Redemption   [193]
       will unfold continually throughout eternity 5T 702
    great truths of, were committed to Jews DA 189
    heaven was imperiled for man’s COL 196
    hope of, set forth in objects and operations of nature Ed 27
    how angels were benefited by DA 760-1
    is: part of divine nature TM 264
       process by which soul is trained for heaven DA 330
    made forever certain when Christ cried out on cross: “It is finished” DA 490
    man’s only hope of, Christ is DA 147
    men’s hearts belong to God by AA 566
    mystery(s) of: angels’ desire to comprehend PP 155
       most profound reasoning cannot fathom DA 494-5
       studied by the redeemed throughout eternity 7BC 990
    none but Christ could accomplish SC 14
    object lesson(s) re, from nature Ed 113-4
       in healing of demoniac boy DA 429
    plan of See Plan of redemption
    price of: Christ’s life and death as Ed 28
       paid by Christ COL 326;CT 35;PK 652;SC 15;4T 29;6T 479;
       should give men exalted conceptions of what they may become SC 15