EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Redemption   [193]
       property by creation and AG 58.4;FLB 30.3;
       in Christ effected HP 34.2
       ordaining our, to be revealed RC 256.5
    heaven rejoices at, of the lost race TMK 107.5
       belongs to God by creation and RC 138.5
       not made for, but need it to for restoration 3SM 134.4
    image of God restored through 3SM 135.1
    indifference to, although a marvelous mystery TMK 168.4
    individually search Scripture to understand TMK 206.4
    interest to be focused in wonders of OHC 111.5
    lost sight of dwelling on struggles and darkness 2MCP 812.1
    love is the basis of RC 51.2
    marvel of RC 63
    meditate on themes of, for growth in grace LHU 237.3
    message of Christ as it was in Old Testament TMK 38.3
    mind taxed to utmost by theme of TMK 204.5
    mysteries of,
       Christ longs to open before us TMK 191.4