EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Redemption   [193]
       kept in silence HP 291.2
       ponder; especially mediation of Christ 3SM 187.1
       poorly understood because of disobedience UL 103.2
       will never be fully understood HP 14.2
       will open to minds of redeemed forever TMK 367.3
    not an afterthought AG 129.2
    obedience shows unbelievers the power of AG 10.3
    obstacles to, removed by presenting God’s Word UL 265.2
    plan of, See Salvation, plan of
    possible only by Christ taking fallen Adam’s place Con 17.3
    precious OHC 49.5
    prerogative of God HP 291.2
    price of,
       blood of Son of God TDG 202.5
       Christ paid, making us His property TDG 57.5
       forgotten in prosperity RY 96.1
       is measure of human worth SW 31.1
       obliges devotion of entire affections OHC 18.4
       paid by Christ FLB 50.7;HP 222.2;UL 252.6;
       should inspire dedication of talents TDG 255.4