EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Reform dress   [68]
    hoops not needed in 1T 523
    injudicious women made, disgusting 1T 521
    length of: about nine inches from floor 1T 521
       concern of some minds re 1T 462
       inquiries re, were proper 1T 521
       reached somewhat below top of boot (shoe) 2SM 478;1T 460-4;
       uniformity needed in 1T 521
       what EGW meant by “the top of the boot” in reference to 1T 462-3
    made properly, was becoming and consistent 4T 635
    modest 1T 465, 521;4T 638;
    most appropriate style for Battle Creek Sanitarium 4T 637-8
    neat 4T 638
    needless adornment of, many went to great extremes in 4T 639
    not rightly represented in many places 1T 521
    not to be adopted unless made right and arranged neatly 2T 66
    opposed by some husbands 1T 522
    opposed in some places 1T 521
    patterns for making 1T 521-2, 718
    quilts in, presented immodest and untidy appearance 1T 523
       unnecessary 1T 523