EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    sinner can become child of God by, with faith in Christ PP 64, 66
    sinner cannot be saved without GC 129
    sinner cannot bring himself to 1SM 390
    sinner cannot experience, without Spirit’s aid DA 175
    sinner coming to Him in, God draws nigh to 5T 635
    sinner must exercise, toward God GC 468
    sinner need not experience, before coming to Christ CT 366;SC 26;
    sinner should ask Christ for SC 28
    sinner’s, should not be met with jealousy and censure COL 210
    soil of heart must be broken up by Ed 111
    Solomon’s PK 75-86
       occurred a few years before his death 2BC 1032-3
    sorrow merely for results of sin is not genuine DA 300;PP 392;
    Spirit as reprover calling men to COL 48;CT 359;
    Spirit leads sinners to AA 52;1SM 393;
    Spirit’s work in bringing men to 6BC 1068-9
    steps to be taken in, Scriptures show SC 107;5T 700;
    that is as morning dew 1SM 108
    that is not thorough is not genuine 2T 521
    theme that wins heart and brings it to ML 265