EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

       gives sorrow for 3SM 138.0
       imparts; Jesus draws us through Him 3SM 196.4
       will not bring, in future if resisted now TMK 244.4
       work of, leads to TMK 109.3
    humility before God and affliction of soul in TMK 265.2
    influence (evil) not reversed by TMK 137.4
    insufficiency of, seen in seeing Jesus FW 107.4
    intelligence and thoughtfulness strengthened by TMK 135.4
    invitation to, refusal of, leaves sinner hopeless TDG 153.6
    Jacob lay down in, expecting new trials TDG 323.3
    John the Baptist,
       drew people to; power in his words VSS 358.2
       preached message of TDG 370.3
    joy and melody in heaven over one soul’s OHC 89.2
    judging, in erring subordinate TSB 241.3
       occurs at the time of OHC 52.5
       upon; sinner see Jesus 3SM 193.4
    Kellogg, J. H., called to UL 119