EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    virtue going forth from Christ leads to SC 26
2. Miscellaneous
    acceptable, heart must be yielded to God in PP 587
    acceptable to God 3T 240
    alone, Jewish nation could be saved from ruin by AA 247
    Balaam’s , was not genuine SC 23-4
    bitter tears of, one hour of sin may cost 2T 308
    call to, sounded with unmistakable clearness PK 319
    cannot be had unless Spirit awakens conscience 6BC 1056
    caused by fear, that is not genuine 2SG 86-7
    Christ continually draws men to CT 366
    Christ did not need, in order to receive baptism DA 110
    Christ on cross draws men to 1SM 341
    Christ’s voice calls sinners to GC 642
    comes from Christ as truly as does pardon 6BC 1056;DA 175;
    condition required for receiving baptism GC 238-9
    continual, Christian’s life is to be one of 7BC 959
    convicted sinner must believe that God accepts his Ev 287
    David humbly accepted reproof with PP 720-6;4aSG 86-9;
    David’s sincere and deep PP 725, 754;SC 24-5;