EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    King Saul’s, was not genuine PP 631;4aSG 77;
    knowledge of plan of salvation leads sinner to SC 26-7
    knowledge that sinner needs re 1SM 393
    Korah’s followers given opportunity for PP 400-1
    lifelong, in one short hour Jacob did work for PP 180
    man’s, implies change of mind PP 630
    man’s only hope is 6BC 1070
    man’s sins are to go beforehand to judgment by 1SM 124
    message of, John the Baptist preached 2SM 19
    ministers need to preach GW 158;2SM 19;4T 391;
    more decided call to, increase of wickedness demands 7T 33
    Moses assured that God accepted his PP 472
    must be proportionate to transgression 3T 356
    must go deep enough to perfect thorough reformation 4T 189
    Nebuchadnezzar was called to PK 518
    need of 1SM 134
       Christ urged upon men CT 29;FE 177;
       sinner should be taught 4T 395
    needed now while probation still lingers 9T 268-9
    needing to be repented of 1SM 108