EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Rest (noun) abiding in Christ brings SC 71    [154]
       today as when on earth LHU 167.6
       we must believe TSB 259.0
    committing our minds to Christ brings 1MCP 68.1
    condition for receiving, of Matt. 11:28 TMK 120.2
    contact with Christ needed for LHU 263.4
    cultivate, in God, despite grief 2MCP 662.1
    faith needed to experience UL 75.4
    found at Jesus’ feet HP 187.5
    heart and mind at,
       in Jesus; counsel to a suffering one 2MCP 513.1
       unload burdens 2MCP 508.4
    heaven is place for; let us use our powers TDG 60.4
    home is to give a sense of; friends are not to meddle 1MCP 157.2
    illness sometimes helped by, but seldom for invalids 1MCP 119.0
    in serving God OHC 223.4
    Jesus gives, when we cry for deliverance RC 278.6
    knowing God is faithful OHC 97.7
    learning of Christ to find Mar 120.4;TSB 50.3;
    longing for, but continuing the journey of life RY 155.1
    meekness cherished brings 1MCP 45.2