EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Revelation, book of AA 578-92;TM 112-8;    [135]
    subjects in, needed by God’s people in last days 8T 301
    subjects presented in GC 341-2
    subjects presented in figures and symbols in AA 583-4;Ed 191;Ev 197;
    supplements book of Daniel 2SM 114
    symbols of, use of illustrations to depict Ev 204-5
    teachings of, hearts that will be enabled to understand AA 584
       read and explain 6T 61
    tells of events to occur in last days GC 341
    tells of special work God’s people should do in last days 6T 127-8
    threefold revelation contained in 7BC 954
    title of, significance of AA 584;GC 341;TM 113;
    truth from, persons who will bring forth FE 473;TM 116;
    truth(s) in: educators should prize 6T 131
       show deep interest in 8T 301
       Spirit has inspired FE 473;TM 116;
       tax your mind to understand and clearly define CW 29
    truths of, addressed to people living in last days AA 584
    visions of, Gabriel attended John when receiving DA 99, 234
       given to John on Isle of Patmos AA 581-3;7T 288;TM 114;
    written by John in his old age AA 588