EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Righteousness   [758]
       God commands that, be given to world TM 92
       is glory which closes work of third angel 6T 19
       is third angel’s message to be proclaimed with loud voice TM 92
       sound, from one end of earth to other 6T 19
       world should receive TM 256
    message of justification through faith invites us to receive TM 92
    ministers should hunger for GW 17
    ministers should present Ev 185
    moral renovation is constantly going on in persons who have TM 160
    must be accepted: as our righteousness 1SM 374
       by faith 5T 632
       in place of garment of self TM 186
    must be your righteousness MM 115
    no soul will be fitted for heaven without 1SM 395
    not a cloak to cover unconfessed and unforsaken sin DA 555-6
    not being clothed with, result of PK 188;5T 81;
    not for the self-satisfied 1SM 328
    not imputed to us because of merit on our part GW 161
    not many gospel workers wear Ev 697
    not presented to children as it should be 1SM 318