EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Righteousness   [758]
       not put on after entering New Jerusalem SD 66
       perfect obedience to God’s law is COL 312;ML 311;
       persons fully surrendered are clothed with AA 388
       persons who have put on, great King receives only COL 312
       persons who have put on, stand as chosen, faithful, and true PK 587
       pray for MB 133
       priceless, should clothe your soul 5T 165
       privilege of souls clothed in COL 315
       promise to church arrayed in PK 260
       promise to everyone willing to wear 7T 71
       put on 5T 510
       put on every repenting and believing soul COL 311
       redeemed will be clothed in 7BC 988;ML 348;
       rich man who can never be covered by COL 267
       richest gift to mortals is 9T 114
       truly righteous person wears, in prosperity and adversity SL 11
       we are covered with DA 504
       we are to be clothed in MB 9
       we are to put on, in this life COL 319
       we may ask Christ for MB 133