EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Righteousness   [758]
       by spiritually blind 1MCP 39.0
       by those with spurious sanctification FW 53.3
    body members to become instruments of HP 198.5
    by faith, See Faith, righteousness by; Right
    call to, unheeded; blessing returns to counselor TDG 105.5
       change for, is harder Mar 229.4
       like Christ in 3SM 198.4
       perfection needed for 2MCP 463.3
       transformed in, through sanctification TDG 224.2
       and youth taught HP 212.4
       are spoiled easier than they are taught 2MCP 599.2
       to be taught; heavenly agencies cooperate HP 208.4
       as our, new light from law and gospel FW 81.2
       bears the sins of seekers of HP 19.6
       is learned to be the only hope for FW 25.2
       is, of all who believe in Him RC 82.7
       is our RC 21.5