EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Righteousness   [758]
    doing is required for; (not merely enjoying) HP 130.3
    duties resulting from, are we performing? TDG 239.3
    effort and responsibility required in struggle for HP 159.4
    efforts toward, promises of help for LHU 129.4
    exalts; ruin results from its absence FW 89.1
    faith in the Word of God brings FLB 21.5
    follows surrender to God RC 65.3
    fruits of,
       Christ desires to develop, in us TMK 277.3
       obedience to God’s requirements yields AG 249.4
       required according to ability UL 329.2
       seen in the life; shown in actions FW 63.1
       through Christ TMK 310.4
    garments of peace and, not of war TDG 83.5
       exalts to, from degradation OHC 17.4
       known as One who exercises TMK 126.2
       wants to give, to those who believe and accept OHC 38.5
       would work for His people if clothed in His UL 173.5
    God’s standard of,