EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Righteousness   [758]
       preserves fragrance of deeds through eternity OHC 236.6
       to saint who walks as Christ did UL 367.4
       we are accounted precious only through OHC 53.3
       when Christ became sin for humanity HP 39.3
       when efforts to obey are with sincere will 2MCP 787.3
       when sinner turns from sin FLB 115.3
       See also Justification
    in us; virtues; becomes part of our being TSB 134.1
    increase needed in, as wickedness increases UL 267.4
    instruction in, molds character into divine image TDG 254.5
    internal and external, required by God TMK 114.2
    justification by, which is imputed; sanctified when imparted FW 5
    lack of, without concern, feeling as chosen of God TDG 294.5
    law is standard of, OHC 84.3
       warning against counterfeit sanctification FW 51.1
    leading others by precept and example in HP 233.2
    life of, required to inherit eternal life TMK 316.2
    longing/hungering for, OHC 213.4;UL 284.6;
       and thirsting 3SM 203.0
       blessed; wrong to hunger for praise TDG 200.2