EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Righteousness   [758]
       Christ has, to place on each believer TDG 63.4
       Christ must provide, we cannot OHC 350.4
       illustrated by story of the prodigal son UL 20.4
       saints given, at end of time 3SM 430.2
       sin not hidden by OHC 214.5
       we cannot provide, for self TMK 302.4
       See also Christ, righteousness of, robe of
    salvation presents, to the repentant sinner TMK 124.3
    Satan’s aim, to gather numbers to stand against OHC 80.3
    Satan’s promises for yielding HP 243.3
    seekers for, may rely on sure promises RC 304.2
    seeking, OHC 15.4
       and standing shielded by Omnipotence TDG 258.5
       ask whether we are TDG 48.6
       own, before coming to Christ 3SM 149.5
    self looked to for, is a mistake; all have sinned FW 108.1
    self reduced in learning that works do not earn FW 25.2
    selfish, consisting of external forms TMK 114.2
    separation from, by little indulgences TDG 27.4
    simplicity of, God blesses minister who cherishes TDG 185.3