EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Righteousness   [758]
    sin not clothed with, but replaced by it RC 213.3
    sin overtaking people who claim UL 356.3
    soul hungering for, prayer is the expression of HP 75.5
    souls led to, if you are faithful FLB 304.6
    standard of,
       angels ready to lift, around souls HP 253.6
       character conformed to, by Holy Spirit TMK 162.4
       disliked by some claiming sanctification FW 121.1;3SM 203.3;
       Holy Spirit presents RC 132.6
       makes God’s people conspicuous; rule TDG 78.2
       man-made, to measure character FW 96.3
       not to be lowered FLB 140.5
       own standard not to replace TSB 158.2
       presented by law in heavenly ark OHC 138.2
       revealed by the Holy Spirit 3SM 137.3
       weaknesses not to affect TDG 32.2
    struggles of one before able to accept news that Jesus was FW 82.0
    subordinate to gain, in Judas’ experience 2MCP 598.3
    surrender is followed by RC 303.7
    throne of God established in AG 129.2