EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Righteousness   [758]
    is: free gift to sinners 1SM 342
       gift of God 1SM 331
       pure and unadulterated truth TM 65
    is to become our righteousness ML 45
    justifying, light of Christ reveals to men their need of DA 308
    leaves no room for self-righteousness 7BC 942
    let sunshine of, shine into windows of soul WM 79
    light re 1SM 356
       a time when, was refused 6T 89
    likened to pearl pure and white COL 115;1SM 399;
    lost sight of for a time 1SM 155, 384
    man cannot be clothed with, while practicing known sins 1SM 366
    man is free to accept GC 503
    man may become perfect through TM 150
    men unwilling to exchange their own righteousness for TM 65
    manifested in obedience to God’s commandments TM 92
    may be ours 1SM 399
    meeting demands of God’s law, believing sinners are clothed with SD 240
    message of: accepted eagerly after Gen. Conf. session of 1888 1SM 358
       brings relief to many souls Ev 192