EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Rule, Rules arbitrary, graces of character not developed by Ed 237    [66]
    only sure and safe, is to do what God says AA 475;PK 83;
    orderly, youth need to follow ML 143
    rabbinical See Rabbinical rule
    SS should not be stifled by multiplicity of CSW 162
    safe and sure, amid life’s perplexities and dangers Ed 229
    sanitariums need, re courtship MM 141-2
    school See School discipline; School rule
    Scripture, make your conduct conform to FE 464
    senseless, Christ tried to free people from DA 150
    strict, youth should observe ML 143
    three, that ensure safe guidance in choice of occupation Ed 267
    to which there is no exception SD 40
    too rigid, lead to disregard of all regulations AH 308-9
    trying to reform churches by TM 192-3
    youth should not be bound down by Te 211
    See also Discipline; Government; Law; Regulation
    disregard of God’s; strange fire offered PM 139.2
    divine, guilt by turning from OHC 206.2
    given by God UL 249.4
    God’s, pure and lofty; love practiced OHC 73.4