EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    points to God as: Creator SR 383
       Maker of heaven and earth PP 336
       Source of life and knowledge Ed 250
    portion of man’s time which God claims Ed 250
    positions taken against, real honesty not regarded in EW 68
    prejudice against, do all possible to remove 9T 238
    present, before people by pen and voice Ev 281;2SM 369;
    present proofs that God has sanctified seventh day as GW 148
    profaners of, try to harmonize disobedience with Scriptures 1SM 213-4
    professed believers who should reform themselves or give up 1T 419
    professed believers whose influence keeps other people from accepting 1T 419
    proposal that The American Sentinel should say nothing re proposal that The American Sentinel should say nothing re CW 96-7
    purpose (object) of GC 54;SR 330;
       benefit of all mankind was 2T 582
       wearisome rites thwart DA 286
    persons in past generations who were not guilty of violating 2T 693
    recalls man’s primeval glory Ed 250
    relationship of, to third angel’s message 1T 337
    reminder of: God’s greatness, wisdom, and love PP 336
       God’s power PK 678