EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)
set apart to be kept in honor of God’s name
EW 33
seven last plagues will fall on persons who continue to break
EW 65-6
seventh-day: first angel’s message calls attention to
2SM 105
fourth precept of Decalogue enjoins observance of
GC 587
SDA must become definitely distinguished from people who do not keep
Ev 233
SDA position re, cannot be refuted by the Bible
EW 69
SDA pub. houses must bear witness to
7T 139
sharp cross in way of persons who accept truth
Ev 248
special honors placed by God upon
1T 275
special point of controversy throughout Christendom
GC 615
specified and definite day is to be kept as
4aSG 14
spiritual import of, NT explains
CS 66
standard of His downtrodden, God calls His people to uplift
6T 352
strongest arguments used against
3T 571
subject of, needs to be understood
1T 300
sun is not forbidden to perform its office on
DA 206