EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    reform re, special effort needed to bring about CH 422
    relationship of, to everlasting covenant 7BC 981
    relief of the suffering as 4T 539
    reminder of Israel’s accountability to God as Creator and Redeemer PK 182
    requires sacrifice GC 454
    revival of, prophecy re GC 451-3
    right example in: importance of 6T 352-3
       ministers should set 2T 703-4
       need of setting, for others 4T 248
       physicians should set 7T 106
    sanctioned by God and angels GC 455
    san. workers’ duty re CH 422
    Satan’s plans to make, sign of disloyalty to earthly authorities PK 184
       sign of disloyalty to rulers 4BC 1172
    school studies must not be brought into 4T 114-6
    SDA are to be recognized by Ev 233
    SDA have plain “Thus saith the Lord” for Ev 232
    SDA standard of, efforts will be made to break down 7T 121
    shows recognition of God as Creator TM 136
    slackness re, too much 1T 531