EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Sacrifice, Sacrifices   [652]
    Jewish leaders should have helped people unable to buy DA 157
    Joseph and Mary offered, when Christ was dedicated as child at temple DA 50
    King Saul’s presumptuous offering of, at Gilgal PP 617-21, 634
    King Saul’s proposal to offer, open contempt shown for divine authority by PP 634
    laying on of hands by priest in AA 162
    Levites were not permitted to offer PP 350
    many Israelites regarded, as gifts for propitiating Deity DA 113
       much as heathen looked on their sacrifices DA 113
    many people offered, only to appease God’s wrath DA 115
    meaning (significance) of: Cain and Abel understood PP 71
       explained by priests 1SM 107
       for Adam SR 50-1
       many sincere observers of heathen rites learned, from Hebrews DA 28
       true, Moses saw 1SM 232
    multiplying, could not take away sin 7BC 933
    need of, Cain’s murmuring and infidelity re PP 72;3SG 48;SR 53;
    no defective animal could be used for GC 473;SL 27;
    no need for, if man had not transgressed God’s law PP 363
    Noah offered, after Flood SR 69
    object of, was to direct men to Christ DA 286