EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Sacrifice, Sacrifices   [652]
       prefigure Christ 1BC 1086
       symbolize Christ in His mission 5BC 1086
    were to be: confession of faith in Christ PP 68
       expression of faith in Christ MB 58
       offered up as typifying one great Sacrifice DA 154-5
       penitential acknowledgment of man’s sin PP 68
       perpetual reminder of Christ’s coming as Redeemer PK 684
       perpetual reminder of man’s sin PP 68
       without blemish CD 20;CH 68-9, 121;DA 50;PP 352;1T 196;5T 541;
    when, became repugnant to God 4BC 1174
    why Israelites were not permitted to offer, in Egypt PP 333-4
    why there were so many, in old dispensation 7BC 932
    work of seeking God by, was important and solemn PP 617
    worship of God through, in patriarchal times 1SM 230-1
    Abraham’s altar of morning and evening HP 213.2
    altars of, to be set in the soul temple UL 370.2
    blood from,
       record of character effected only by Mar 340.2
       showed atonement Con 22.0
    ceremonies of, virtue of, in relating to Christ LHU 24.7