EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Sacrifice, Sacrifices   [652]
    rest and peace and glory at end of journey will repay every, a thousand times ML 69
    Sabbathkeepers unwilling to make any, will be tested and proved 1T 269
    serve God by 9T 157
    SDA institutions were established in CH 316
    should be made for God’s cause 3T 500
       by laying aside useless and injurious things EW 121-2
       with cheerfulness TM 423
    should become habitual 6T 214
    small sums saved by, that do more for God’s cause than do larger gifts 9T 157-8
    some believers make great, to give truth to others LS 215
    specially needed now 6T 450
    spiritual: God’s people are to offer up FE 461
       prayers and offerings as 7BC 925
       when, are acceptable to God TM 288
    suffering and, stand for truth at cost of Ed 154-5
    system of, given to church in its infancy 1SM 114
    test of, for all Christ’s disciples DA 273
    that must be made if we are faithful to Christ: are not created by Him 4T 558
       are not imposed by arbitrary or unnecessary command 4T 558
       do not come from severity of life He requires us to lead in His service 4T 558