EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Sacrifice, Sacrifices   [652]
    to do good to others must characterize Christian life 3T 381
    toil and, are required to secure earthly treasures CS 44
    truly converted soul will not shrink at GC 462
    unwillingness of some believers to live life of, for good of others 8T 210
    unwillingness to make, involving care 4T 214
       to save souls makes us unworthy to enter City of God 9T 103-4
    very great, do not feel that you are making 3T 500
    voluntary, should be made for Christ 4T 464
    Waldensian missionaries’ example of, gospel workers do well to imitate 5T 400
    we are only required to give in, that which we are better off without CS 300
    we must make, to separate from world MYP 74
    what may appear to be, for Christ is infinite gain Ed 296
    when, becomes a pleasure Ed 297;1SM 354;
    when it will be too late to make, of earthly goods for Christ’s cause EW 49
    wholehearted, meets us everywhere DA 565
    why we should make, for Christ’s sake MYP 98
    widow who gave her two mites as DA 614-6;2T 666-7 See also Widow;
    willingness of Macedonian believers to make, was result of wholehearted consecration AA 343
    willingness to make great, is needed to obtain heavenly treasure of infinite value 3T 255
    work of SDA institutions can be successfully carried forward only in CH 316