EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Safety believer’s only. being master of self under all circumstances is 4T 431    [140]
    Christians have greatest, trusting in Jesus LHU 376.5
    closeness to Christ is the only AG 271.5
    committing the life to God UL 222.3
    constant pleading to be kept by God’s power is only 3SM 154.3
    conversion, daily power of, is only; yielding TDG 13
    course of, follow, even though it involves self-denial TDG 174.4
    disciples on sea would have felt, had Jesus been with them TDG 110.4
    distrust of self is essential for OHC 212.6
    exercise of living faith is our only FLB 138.2
    false assurance of,
       awakened only by God’s wrath Mar 264.3
       not work of Ellen White RC 54.4
    feeble efforts insufficient to assure, from Satan’s attack TMK 269.2
    following Christ’s footprints assures TMK 303.2
    garrison of truth is only HP 199.5
       controls, for the good of His children OHC 318.5
       is our only, in perils that lie ahead TDG 174.5
       offers, as darkness closes about the world TMK 284.4
    humility before God is position of RC 261.8