EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    God’s presence manifested in His glory over 3T 357
    Goliath’s sword kept as relic in PP 656
    heavenly sanctuary has taken place of EW 260
    high priest came forth from, and blessed congregation after having made atonement GC 485;PP 426;
    high priest removed his people’s sins from, by virtue of blood of sin offering GC 422
    high priest’s ministration in, when offering sacrifice AA 33;DA 25;
    how God indicated when, should be pitched or taken up PP 376;4aSG 10-1;SR 156-7;
    how there could be sin connected with GC 418-22
    Israelite hosts pitched their tents at distance from PP 375;3T 345;
    Jews prayed with faces turned toward PP 353-4
    Kohathites cared for ark of covenant and other furniture of PP 375
    Kohathites encamped on south of, in wilderness PP 375
    Levites bore, in Israel’s journeys PP 375, 705;4aSG 28;1T 650;3T 345;
    Levites set up and took down, in wilderness PP 375;1T 652;3T 345;
    Levites were given charge of PP 350, 375;5T 274;
    located at: Mt. Sinai PP 343, 359, 374-5
       Gilgal PP 514
       Shiloh until this town was destroyed by Philistines PK 415-6;PP 514, 547, 569, 571-2, 609, 656;4aSG 105-6;
       Nob during King Saul’s reign PP 656
       Gibeah in David’s time PP 711