EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

       Christ as our advocate in, presents cases of His people of each successive generation GC 483
       Christ pleads before God in, as advocate of His people GC 482
       closes with the living GC 483
       description of GC 479-91
       destiny of all will have been decided for life or death at close of GC 490
       duty of God’s people during GC 490-1
       every case is closely investigated in GC 483, 490
       every name is mentioned in GC 483
       examination of books of record is needed in, to determine who are entitled to benefits of Christ’s atonement GC 422;SR 378;
       first angel’s message pointed to GC 424
       God the Father as Ancient of Days presides over GC 479-80
       God’s people should clearly understand GC 488
       judgment of the wicked is distinct and separate work from GC 480
       names of professed Christians who have not repented and been forgiven will be blotted out of book of life in GC 483
       no one knows how soon, will pass to cases of the living GC 490
       only cases considered in, are those of God’s professed people GC 480
       parable of marriage of king’s son refers to GC 428
       sins not repented of and forsaken will not be pardoned and blotted out of books of record in GC 483, 486
       sins of the truly penitent will be blotted out of books of record in GC 483
       work of, is to be accomplished before second advent GC 485