EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Sanitarium worker, Sanitarium workers CH 292-3, 314-5;MM 144-5, 206-7;7T 95-8;    [256]
       paid well for their services 3T 178
       persons of ability and consecration MM 156
       persons of culture and experience 4T 546
       persons whose lives are wholly devoted to God MM 174
       rooted and grounded in truth 7T 70
       tactful in presenting truth to patients Ev 540
       trained for work for which they are best adapted MM 176
       witnesses for Christ 4T 555
    should never neglect the poor 4T 551
    should not be: controlled by perverted tastes CD 409
       disagreeable or uncouth in manner MM 173
       shadows of someone else 8T 148
       subject to jealous freaks MM 173
    show, value of wholesome food CD 282;MM 284;
    showing true modesty will win souls to Christ 7T 69
    slavery in dealing with, let there be no MM 178
    some, are only half converted on question of reform diet MM 155
       have labored simply for wages 2T 518
    Spirit imparts power that gives, greatest influence for good 7T 90
    spirit of criticism among, warning re 4T 223