EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Sanitarium worker, Sanitarium workers CH 292-3, 314-5;MM 144-5, 206-7;7T 95-8;    [256]
    health reform opposed by some MM 155
    healthful food should be served to MM 154
    high calling of 7T 68-71
    higher standard should be reached by 1SM 194
    highest aim of, spiritual health of patients should be MM 26
    how, can present truth to the sick MM 208
    inexperienced, it is not true economy to supply institution largely with MM 174
    influences that, should be guarded against CH 422
    injured, charges made for care of MM 171-2
    labor of, for the sick is exhausting process 4T 567
    leading, should lift danger signal 1SM 194
    light given re CH 337
    lives of, Christ’s miracle-working power should be revealed in CH 242
    loyalty to principle by, greatly needed MM 174
    men, need regular hours of work CH 315
       supervisors of, should be careful lest they be too exacting CH 315
    men of thought and ability needed as 4T 546
    men sound and solid in principle needed among CH 292;MM 173;
    matronly women among, need of more CH 292;MM 173;
    med. miss. work that should be done by CD 282;2SM 54;