EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Sanitarium worker, Sanitarium workers CH 292-3, 314-5;MM 144-5, 206-7;7T 95-8;    [256]
       elevate standard of Christianity 4T 565
       give treatments in delicate and reverential way MM 190
       guard against unbelief and self-sufficiency 7T 71
       guard themselves on appetite CD 107
       hold appetite under control of reason 4T 571
       hold up principles of health reform MM 155
       improve in their work CH 286
       keep self in subordination MM 155
       keep their souls in purity MM 196
       keep their souls searched as with lighted candle MM 203
       keep their voice pleasant and sympathetic MM 212
       know how to speak words in season to sin-sick soul MM 192
       labor faithfully and get through as quickly as possible CH 420
       labor unselfishly in interest of institution 3T 178
       labor with earnest alacrity 9T 170
       maintain simplicity in dress 4T 571
       make institution a grand success 4T 554
       manifest true modesty and Christian courtesy 7T 69
       point sin-sick souls to Christ 4T 564
       practice economy CD 298