EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Sanitarium worker, Sanitarium workers CH 292-3, 314-5;MM 144-5, 206-7;7T 95-8;    [256]
       use unkind words however provoking patient may be 3T 170
       work merely for wages 1T 640
    pay, for their services 1T 640
    persisting in idle talk and frivolous conduct should go elsewhere MM 144-5
    persisting in undue familiarity should be dismissed CH 294
    persons having no desire to save souls are not qualified to serve as MM 191
    persons having no sense of true dignity should not be employed as MM 172
    persons who always find entrance among MM 142
    persons who should be chosen to supervise CH 248
    pleading for license are not worthy to remain with institution MM 142
    prayer of Christ that, should live out MM 203
    problems of, in dealing with variety of minds and characters 4T 555
    proper attitude of, to patients for whom they labor 4T 568
    qualifications of 1T 567
    reasonable wage should be paid to, for reasonable amount of labor CH 314
    rebel, should be dismissed MM 212
    relieve, after they have performed reasonable amount of work in a day CH 314
    rules and regulations are highly essential for MM 142
    rules needed by, re courtship and marriage MM 141
    ruling idea with, four things that should be 1T 640