EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)
warfare against Christ was personally conducted by
DA 116
permitted to cut short John the Baptist’s life
DA 224
interposition of, between Peter and Christ
DA 416
cruel mob led by, to abuse Christ
DA 734
present in human form at crucifixion of Christ
DA 746-7
Christ’s death was caused by
MB 56
chief priests and elders of Jews were incited by, to crucify Christ
2T 207-8
utmost cunning of, used to destroy Christ
DA 65
death knell of, rung when Christ cried, “It is finished”
GC 503
destiny of, Christ’s death on cross decided
PK 701
Christ’s death condemned, to eternal death
6T 231
kingdom of, lost when Christ died
2T 211
disguise of, Christ’s death tore away
DA 761
Christ’s death revealed character of, to unfallen worlds
DA 758
revealed in his warfare against Christ
DA 224
instigation of Christ’s death by, alienated all sympathy of angels from him
DA 761
revealed him as murderer
DA 761