EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

       of saints; pretense of answering LDE 164
    preparation for, realizing sacredness of work TDG 125.3
    present working of, should startle prophecy students (1887) 3SM 154.1
    pretense of,
       as holy angel to help Christ in wilderness Con 38.2
       to work for the liberty of the universe RC 60.2
    priests and rulers stirred up by, to oppose Christ’s work TDG 256.6
    principles of, chosen instead of Christ’s UL 54.4
       of, on conditions OHC 153.3
       repeated when accused by HP 264.4
       said by, to be out of reach because of our sin TMK 278.4
    promptings of, acting out CC 26.3
    propositions of, end in ruin UL 318.2
    protection from,
       as faith grasps the promises of God TMK 278.4
       becoming his sport UL 150.3
       Bible study and doing known duty Mar 95.3
       by light and holiness around Christians FW 93.1
       by realizing the presence of God OHC 285.5