EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

       used by, to obtain advantage over souls OHC 174.2
    temptations of, See Temptation
    theories continually brought in by 3SM 73.3
    thought world would be on his side UL 172.4
       and feelings suggested by, need not contaminate 2MCP 432.2;TMK 140.2;
       and judgment spoiled by HP 215.3
       are often insinuations of UL 314.5
       cannot be read by; actions help him shape temptations TMK 279.4
       Christian should never utter put in mind by HP 174.4
    threatened by first Advent Con 27
    throne of, in world where God’s throne should have been TDG 28.3
    time seen by, to be short HP 342.4
    traitors work as, did in heaven OHC 360.4
    transforms himself into an angel of purity to deceive OHC 95.4
    triumph of, will not always be; God’s Spirit to be given TMK 330.5
    truth attacked by UL 76.5
    truth spreading causes anger of 3SM 407.5
    tyranny of, binds human heart TMK 84.4
    unbelief exalts OHC 136.5