EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    warning against 5T 137-48
    whoever entices to sin is 5T 137
    will work miracles in our sight MYP 61
10. Appellations of
    accuser 4T 623
       accuser of church TM 21-2
       accuser of God’s people COL 166-8;GC 484, 618;PK 583;
       accuser of souls MB 9
    adversary 5T 409
       adversary of God and holy beings PP 40
       adversary of souls PP 688
       great adversary DA 309;PP 478, 517;1T 467;
       sleepless adversary 2SM 102
    angel, frequently mighty angel though fallen DA 129
    antagonist of Christ 7BC 973
       avowed antagonist to Christ 7BC 973
    antichrist 9T 230
    apostate 5BC 1105
       first great apostate 4BC 1163;7BC 973;COL 318-9;1SM 222;TM 365;