EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

       mighty foe MYP 51-3
       powerful and deceptive foe 2T 173
       terrible foe 5T 294
       wily foe SD 136
       fallen general 1T 441
       great general of apostasy 4BC 1184
       great leading rebel general 1T 364
       mighty general GC 507
       skillful general GC 518
       god of all dissension Ev 358
       god of this world CS 145;1T 279;
    his satanic majesty 4aSG 84;1T 310;TM 165;
       instigator of all rebellion 1T 359;3T 115;
       instigator of sin GC 485
    king of the wicked SR 428
       dark leader of all rebellion TM 284