EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    denied readmission into heaven EW 146;SR 26-7;
    hatred of, for God increased with fiery vehemence SR 27
    waited at entrance of heaven to taunt angels SR 27
    plotted with his angels to continue war against God’s government EW 146
    See also 17. Rebellion of (things that led to); 18. Rebellion of (misc.)
3. From creation of man to birth of Christ
    envied Adam and Eve in their beautiful home in Eden GC 531;PP 52;
    planned to: destroy Adam and Eve Ed 23-4;EW 146-7;GC 484;PP 52;SR 27-9;
       make Garden of Eden home of devils SR 28
       obtain control of tree of life SR 28
       establish empire on earth DA 114
    announced to devils his plan for tempting man SR 28
    history of rebellion and fall of, angels related to Adam and Eve EW 147;PP 52;
    angels warned Adam and Eve to be on guard against EW 147;PP 52;SR 29-31;
    Adam and Eve could be tempted by, only at tree of knowledge of good and evil SR 31
    world dominion wrested from Adam by DA 129;PP 67;
    exulted over fall of Adam and Eve PP 57
    sentence pronounced against, after man’s fall Ed 27;GC 505;
       uttered in hearing of Adam and Eve PP 65-6